Number 10

Having read the daily mail this morning ( Not a Paper I normally read) that Number 10 is not happy with the Chinese regarding the covid 19 virus. I’m surprised it has took them this long. They  are blaming the Chinese government for misinformation about the virus. I feel this has been a long time coming.


The art of propaganda consists precisely in being to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest their attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. That this is not understood by those among us whose wits are supposed to have been sharpened to the highest pitch is only another proof of their vanity or mental inertia.

As I write this I am appalled by fake news on social media saying that the Chinese have made this virus in a laboratory to take over the global economy without firing a shot. But what this pandemic has shown me is mans greed. People fighting in supermarkets over toilet roll, tins of beans, milk, bread and eggs. Profiteering by corner shops in the UK charging  10 pounds for hand sanitiser which should cost 1 pound, extortionate prices for baby milk. This is making money from other peoples misery. I certainly hope that you are shown the same lack of compassion that you have shown your customers. Trading Standards will prosecute you and hopefully put you out of business.

Eurovision Song Contest. What a joke

Having spent Saturday Evening watching the Eurovision Grand final and enjoying this time. Then it came to the voting. I was appalled to see the United Kingdom doing so badly. Then there was the tactical voting by counties who voted for their best friends. However, this has been going on for years and does not form part of the spirit of Eurovision. But for Israel to win was a complete joke a woman who appears to have no musical talent what so ever when there were far better songs in the final. And the last time I looked at a map of the world Israel was not part of Europe. Also, neither was Australia.

The Eurovision Song Contest has become a complete joke and should be called ” Lets have a song contest so we can vote for each other” In addition, I feel that the UK were not voted for because they are going for brexit. The UK should leave Eurovision and give it and the European Union the same two-fingered salute they gave the french king at the battle of Agincourt.  And walk away.

Does brexit acually mean brexit

Having been on Gods clean Earth for over half a century ive come to the conclusion that politicians in the UK have become spineless individuals. The UK voted to join something called “The Common Market” However, we did not vote to join the EU. So, with that in mind, we should not have to pay the EU for what can only be called an extortion payment to leave. But the Spineless politicians have tugged their forelock and bowed down to the EU yet again.

Personally, I feel that our so-called politicians should grow some balls and give the EU the two-fingered salute and walk away. Because the EU will need us before we need them. The UK would be free to trade with who we like, the UK could build relationships with the commonwealth and settle trade deals especially in Africa which is definitely a growing market. The opportunities would be brilliant.

What makes a true British person

There once was a time when people were proud to be British. A British person would stand up for what he or she believed in. We had an identity, in nearly every country in the world we as a nation were respected. Now the british people are subservient, compliant and basically wont stand up for what they belive in.

why? you may ask yourself. It’s because they fear being called racist, homophobic, xenophobic and anything else they can be painted with by every do-gooder who will try to name and shame the person. Our great statesmen must be turning in their graves at what we as a nation have become.

Everywhere you go there is some little do-gooder wanting you to be compliant or someone who thinks they have some form of authority over you trying to threaten you.

George Orwell wrote a book called 1984. for those who have not read it please do and you may discover that your now living in a world very similar to this book. You see it every time you go to the airport if you try to stand up to these people they try to make your life hard. You cant say what you feel at work for fear of being reprimanded. when I was young PC meant Personal Computer not political correctness. This term I belive came from America, which has taken over people’s lives and has gone mad.

What happened to “the customer is always right” instead of being fobbed off by some faceless wonder on the end of a telephone. Because the manager in the shop will not talk to you. Is this customer service?

There are many other things I could add here but I wont. So my Message is this. British people stand up and be counted like our forefathers, be proud of what and who you are and get back your identity.

Why can air travel be so stressful

As I travel by air a lot. I’m now starting to wonder why it has become so stressful?

Firstly, I can only assume that it to do with the time of day or the season such as peak holiday times. But when you look closer you will find that it’s the way you are treated at the airport and by the airlines.

when you arrive at the airport and you try to check in at one of the machines that are supposed to make life easier and they don’t work for some bizarre reason you start to get stressed. Then its the check in desk, usually the people there are not to bad but you can get the odd one that has got out of bed the wrong side that morning and because that person didn’t want to come to work the are going to make everyone’s life a misery. Or there is a problem with the Aircraft itself, and the usual excuse is the flight has been delayed for operational reasons. This happened to me recently, I was traveling to Amsterdam and when I got to the airport and checked my email I discovered that my flight had been delayed “for operational reasons”  I received the email at 1am when I was driving  to the airport. So, I waited in the queue to go to the check in desk as I had a connecting flight. I was informed by the person at check in that they had only just found out about it, and an aircraft was flying in with the spare part for the unserviceable aircraft. when I heard this I asked how can an airline that is classed as a national carrier not have any spares at the locations it fly’s to every day and how come that a spare aircraft was not sent earlier?. The only answer I got was a shrug of the shoulders and “I don’t know ” My only thoughts were how long did the engineer know that the aircraft was unserviceable as I was emailed at 1am and the original flight take off was 6:10 am? why didn’t they have the correct part at the airport? And prior planning Prevents pee poor performance.

Next there is the security check. In my years of extensive travel by air I have seen some people degraded by security staff. There was an instance at a UK airport where an old woman was sent back and forth through the metal detector a total of seven times because she had a double hip replacement. She was nearly in tears after telling the stroppy security member of staff that she had metal hips, it was only when her husband lost his temper and got the supervisor that this poor woman was finally left to get on. I have had an instance (one of many) where I have felt degraded by these people. My hand luggage was checked, so I asked the person who was doing the checking and swabbing what exactly he was looking for? He didn’t answer just completely ignored me, so when he had finished I asked for the supervisor to come and explain to me why a member of his staff refused to talk to me and why he used the same swab to check the items in my hand luggage and then put it on the machine. The only answer I got was “its for your safety” Well if that’s all they can come up with then its a very poor excuse. I am fully aware of the world we live in today, with the heightened security and attacks going on all over the world. But to treat people like animals goes to far. Common courtesy costs nothing, it seems to me that they just want you to be compliant and do what they say when they say it.

Then there is the departure gate where you have probably had your passport checked for the third or fourth time. Now, you have had this document checked at check in probably at the security check then at immigration and now at the departure gate. Only adding to the stress that you may be feeling at this particular point. they may even want to check your visa yet again even though you have had this checked at yes you’ve guessed it the check in desk and at immigration. Now logic would spring to mind here, that if you have had your visa checked  at the check in desk and probably at immigration (Depending where in the world you have departed from) why do they have to check again at the departure gate? it would probably be a good idea to put it into the bar code on your boarding pass that all you visa and other paperwork are in order. Then after all of this then you can finally board the aircraft and get on with your life.

I would be interested to hear from people who have had similar or witnessed the same as me when traveling by air.